
From members and annual meetings to employees in Sweden and the world. Read more about how we are organised.

ForumCiv is a member-based organization. Our members are Swedish organizations and together we are Sweden's biggest platform for civil society. We work towards a just and sustainable world where all people have the power to effect change.

Our work centres on enabling people to organize to claim their rights and take control of their lives; for it is only then that democracy can grow, resources can be distributed more fairly, and poverty can be reduced.


The Annual Meeting is ForumCiv's supreme decision-making body. It is here that the members decide on the organization's operational framework for the coming year. The Annual Meeting also elects the board, chairperson, election committee and auditors, and decides on the general plan of operations and budget.

The board is elected by the Annual Meeting and is ForumCiv's highest decision-making body between meetings. Its primary responsibility is to ensure that the decisions of the Annual Meeting are implemented. The board is led by the ForumCiv chairperson, and includes amongst its responsibilities the organization’s overall planning, reporting, bookkeeping and governing policies.

ForumCiv's Secretary-General

The Secretary-General is appointed by the board of ForumCiv. The Secretary-General has responsibility for the organization's operational concerns and leads and organises them as directed by the instructions and decisions taken by the Annual Meeting and the board.

Since 2019, Anna Stenvinkel is ForumCiv's Secretary General.

Our locations

Our head office is in Stockholm, Sweden. We also have regional and country offices with staff in Colombia, Cambodia, Kenya, Liberia, and Lithuania through which we provide direct support to local organizations on the ground.